We are happy to announce that the DAFNE MOOC is now available online and free to use and share. The MOOC provides know-how transfer about...
Project news and events

Third NSL meeting for the Omo-Turkana basins 24-25 Sept. 2020
Following DAFNE’s final Negotiation Simulation Lab (NSL) in the Zambezi River Basin in July, the project team held the final NSL for the Omo-Turkana basins...

DAFNE e-Summer School took place in August 2020
In August 2020 the DAFNE e-Summer School on the water-energy-food nexus took place in an interactive digital format. More than 120 students and practitioners from...

Third NSL for the Zambezi river basin (9-10 July 2020)
Approaching the finalization of the DAFNE project, on the 9-10.07.2020, the third and final Negotiation Simulation Lab (NSL) in the Zambezi River Basin took place....

Registration open for the DAFNE e-Summer School
Registration for the DAFNE e-Summer School that will take place in August 2020 is open from now on until 3rd August 2020. We invite students,...

DAFNE presented at Dresden Nexus Conference
The DAFNE project was presented at the #DresdenNexusConference which took place from June 3-5 2020.Now the full slides of the presentation are available on Slideshare...

Nexus Cluster workshop: Methods, tools and data for policy support on the Nexus (29.10.2019)
On 29th October 2019 the Nexus Cluster workshop: Methods, tools and data for policy support on the Nexus will take place in Brussels. The purpose...

Newsbulletin of the Nexus Project Cluster – Issue 1
With pleasure we wish to announce the release of a first issue of the News bulletin of the Nexus Project Cluster with more than 20 projects...

New knowledge visualisation tools presented in NSL workshops in Addis Abeba and Lusaka
Two new tools were presented during the recent NSL workshops in Addis Ababa (8.-9.07.2019) and Lusaka (11.-12.07.2019): The screening tool facilitates the analysis of trade-offs...
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