Approaching the finalization of the DAFNE project, on the 9-10.07.2020, the third and final Negotiation Simulation Lab (NSL) in the Zambezi River Basin took place. Due to the COVID-19 emergency this year’s NSL has been held online, nevertheless attracting numerous participants. Over 20 stakeholders from Zambia and Mozambique have attended the event, including government officials, representatives of intergovernmental bodies, researchers, and other actors interested in the Water-Energy-Food nexus.
The agenda included presentations of the latest project developments, e.g. the modelling framework, selected solutions and pathways and the evaluation of the social learning process. Participants have also interacted with the knowledge visualization tools developed in the project – the Multi-Perspective Visualization Tool and the Geoportal – learning hands-on about their newest functionalities and application possibilities and sharing their impressions. In addition, interactive sessions offered space for lively discussions about the application of the DAFNE approach in decision and policy making processes as well as about the possibilities for implementation of project outcomes after its finalization.
This last NSL provided both project partners and stakeholders with a possibility of a stimulating exchange rounding up almost four years of the DAFNE collaboration.

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